Scott haz a sick, so we just hung out and rested most of today, but we did have some excitement this evening. the Jabbawockeez were at Glorietta, and i love them, so Scott took me to see them perform. i have never ever seen so many people!!! 4 of the guys are Filipino, so that may be part of why there was such a huge crowd, but i'd be confident chalking it up to how awesome they are. i have bee na fan of these guys since they were first on ABDC!
There were people a-pushin and a-shovin and just insanity... but we still managed to have a great time!

oh, and i LOVE this pic! Scott is very happy to have Brunette Mae back too!
DJ Rashida (from America's Best Dance Crew- the competition the Jabbawockeez won) took the stage first, and then introduced Pop Sensation Billy Crawford- whose performance i enjoyed, but i was hot, cranky, and wanted to see the Wockeez!!!!
Then, after Billy did a few songs, FINALLY the Jabbawockeez came out!! no, you can;t see them in this vid. but they are there. we tried to get a good spot, but there were like 15,000 people there- no exaggeration. my favorite moments were the Michale Jackson Tribute and when the Wockeez did their version of Beyonce's "Single Ladies" (which you can see them doing at another show
And, finally, here is a pic where you can actually see the Wockeez- well half of them!

it was a super fun show, and i managed to see most of it by watching the screens on the video cameras of people in front of me. ;-) After being outside in the heat and sweat and people for 2 hours, we found a nice quiet table at TGIFridays and had dinner. MMMMMM Fajitas! then it was back to the hotel and relaxing till bedtime.
the picture of you and Scott is just awesome! I love it