I had forgotten to tell you the Barbie story. Ok. So some of you know i collect Barbies, but not in a traditional collector kinda way- i like to take them out of the box and get to know them a bit, and i only buy Barbies that mean something specific to me- not neccesarily ones that are gonna be worth money. So far i have Dolls that have cost me between 5 and 15 dollars each. Well, i saw a toy store and decided i wanted one to commemorate this trip, so we went in and i started looking. They had a Barbie selection like no US store i have seen in years. i was in HEAVEN! After a few moments, Scott lost interest and went in search of... something. The salesboys took this opportunity to descend upon me. At first there was one, but as soon as i mad ethe huge mistagke of admitting i collect the dolls, there were suddenly 4. i am not good at saying no under any circumstances, so i found myself trying to "choose" between a $50 2009 Holiday Barbie and a $80 Anniversary barbie of some sort. Really, i had no interest in either, and had settled on A Chinese New Year 2009 Barbie (cuz, y'know it's an Asian themed doll, so i'd remember where i got her), but i was so overwhelmed i was like, "Oh, let me go ask my husband..." and ran off to find Scott. I did find him, and before i'd even gotten to explain the situation the salesboys appeared with the same 2 dolls. Scott glanced at the prices and was like "Oh, Baby... Come on..." and it took me a couple minutes to communicate to him that i didn't actually want either doll, i just needed him to say no for me bacause i was overwhemmed and beginning to panic. He did, telling them it was too much money, and i was sooo relieved. Then, the inital salesboy returned, with my much less expensive chinese new year doll. Scott made sure that i actually wanted this one, and we got our butts outta there. it was kinda hilarious. or... maybe you had to be there... i'm happy to tell you that since that first day at the mall i've become much more assertive and am saying no left and right. :-P
Here is my Doll:
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