Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thursday 9/17
Today was blog catch up and sleep catch up day. i spent the late morning through early afternoon working on uploading pictures and writing posts, then had lunch with Scott and watched Mythbusters together. After he left to go back to work i took a looooong rest. When i woke up, it was about time for scott to come home. We had roast chicken for supper and shortly thereafter he went to the Comtech Staff house to spend some quality one on one time with Darwin before we have to go home. i had a nice quiet evening, and stayed up till Scott got in. another night up late means tomorrow will be a sleepy day as well! have to be rested for the volcano excursion on saturday!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wednesday 9/16
Today i did something cool and (for me at least) brave! i went out on my own- further than ministop or even the drugstore. Well, let me back up. i woke up just in time to have my bible study discussion with Cindy, then made some plans with Scott for our trip to a volcano this weekend. Then, i started thinking that if i didn't get out on my own and do something while we were here i would probably feel pretty silly. i am nervous in unfamiliar situations and have a lot of fears- some rational, others not so much, but it is time to not be controlled by them. So. i got dressed, put on my new hat which is awesome, and walked up to Scott's office to surprise him. that was fun, and the furthest i have walked on my own (about 6-8 blocks), so it was an accomplishment. After i said hi to some ofthe guys in the office and talked with Scott a bit, it was time to start my real adventure for the day. Scott rode the elevator down with me and helped me get a cab. I got in and told the driver i wanted to go to Glorietta 3. It was my first ever taxi ride by myself (taxis alone are one of thsoe irrational fears...) and i did jsut fine, paid my fare and headed into the mall. i got money at an ATM, wandered up to the movie theater, bought tickets, and then had a Frosty at Wendy's as i decided what to do with the 2 hours till my movie started. i had a little bit of shopping to do, so i headed over to the Landmark- our favorite department store here- and got the few things i needed. one of these is a Barong- traditional men's shirt- for Scott. i founda really nice one for him. it's so nice. the Barong buttons about 2/3 of the way down instead of all the way, and the one i got for Scott is a light seafoam green with inlaid mother of pearl buttons. many Barongs have embroidery around the button placket, and Scott's does too. after my shopping i headed bakc up t othe theater and got seated for my movie- Sorority Row (it;s a dumb horror movie, but it was entertaining). this wasa different experience than i have ever had at home. at home, i am used to people gasping or cryhing out a little at a jump scene in a horror movie, but here- people openly SCREAMED at these- and sometimes preemptively- it was hilarious. so, the movie was fun, if nothing else, because of the screaming. after a little more shopping, i got in a cab to head back to the hotel. Just my luck, for the first time ever in our time here, the taxi driver knows nothing about hte area, and i had togive him turn by turn directions out of the mall complex and back to my hotel. Good thing i knew the way! After a bit longer Scott came home with McDonald's for supper and we just hung out and watched The Jackal on tv and then went to bed. a good day. :-)
Tuesday 9/15
So, we slept in till noon or so and then Scott went in to work. he works so hard. i puttered around a bit, packed some stuff that we didn;t need access to, made some lists, just my normal planning type stuff. Scott came home with Pizza around 8 and we had dinner and relaxed, and were in bed around 10 or so. Long Tiring day for my hubby.
Monday 9/14
Today i mostly finished recovering, and felt a good bit better. Scott brought home roast chicken for supper and it was soooo good! we relaxed together for a little bit but then Scott had to go back to the office and help sort out a problem of some sort. he went back in at 11 and came home shortly before 6 AM!! Just a little bit before he came back, i was awakened by gunshots. there were seven. i didn't see what happened but the street below our hotel got kinda suddenly crowded. i imagine it wasn't anything too big a deal. When Scott got back, we went back to sleep.
Sunday 9/13
Last night i had what may have been the worst fever of my life. i was so cold but yet was burning up. scott couldn't even come near my side of the bed. i wondered briefly if iwas actually dying. i am not being melodramatic. really. my fever broke around 6 AM with some sort of insane vengeance and my side of the bed became soaked with sweat. i slept till about 2PM and then got up and started moving slowly. Around 4 i was ready to get out of the partment as long as we moved sloooowly. Scott got us a cab to Glorietta and we had dinner at TGIFridays and then we shopped a little- didn;t buy anything, but i think the getting out was good for me. When we got back, i took some of our newly acquired tylenol like substance and got in bed pretty soon therafter.
Saturday, 9/12
As you can imagine, we slept in VERY late today. i think we left the hotel at about 2 PM to head to SM Mall of Asia, the 3rd largest mall in the WORLD! it was pretty cool to see as we drove up, though the rain was pretty heavy so we couldn't get a picture. Scott and i agreed that this was the most impressive of the 5 malls we have visited (that sounds insanely like a lot but really, that's not many of the malls they have here- i can think of probably 10 we didn't visit and i'm sure there are many more!) and they had lots of stuff going on as far as performances and entertainment for hte kids and this:
An Olympic Sized Ice Rink!
We were So Hungry since we hadn't eaten since the party, so we got food in the food court- 2 orders of super nommy Pancit, 2 Lumpia for me, and an order of Sissig for Scott.
As we were eating lunch overlooking the ice rink, we noticed it had started snowing!
And the kids were crowding in the middle of the ice to be snowed on!
After lunch, we was a movie and wandered around a bit and shopped a little. we were still pretty wiped out from the night before though, so we headed back to the hotel and ordered McDonald's. shortly after dinner i realized i had a fever and got into bed. that;s right, i'm sick AGAIN! i guess when your immune system is weakened, it can get hit over and over!
An Olympic Sized Ice Rink!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Pictures from 9/11
Ok, So here are pictures from Scott's Birthday!
Here are a couple Shots outside at Greenhills Shopping Center:

Here is part of that crazy market like area:
When we got home from shopping and had rested a bit, we were surprised by a visit from the hotel staff bringing this!
A Birthday cake! Awwwww!
Here we are all dressed up to go out!
And... Videoke time! Darwin has a beautiful voice!!!
Here are the guys!

And, The girls!
The Food!
Here Begins Scott's adventure with- THE PRAWN!

Smiling before the first bite!
Staring it down...

About to take off its head...
WOW! Chrunchy!
YAY! you ate its head! the rest will be easy!
David and Marco (the quietest guys in the group!) Sang Endless Love in a duet! was awesome!

We could tell the night was winding down when sleepy cuddling started...
A great night! Thanks Y'all!
Here are a couple Shots outside at Greenhills Shopping Center:
And, The girls!
The Food!
Smiling before the first bite!
About to take off its head...
WOW! Chrunchy!
We could tell the night was winding down when sleepy cuddling started...
Friday, 9/11
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCOTT!!!!! Today was Scott's 27th birthday! we slept in a little, then left the hotel around 11:30 to go to Greenhills Shopping Center, because we heard they had lots of cool native souvenirs and stuff. When we got there, i knew it was gonna be a a great birthday for Scott, because when we'd been getting ready to go, he;d said "Y'know what'd be the BEST birthday meal? Shoney's breakfast buffet!" and, while there are no Shoney's here, we did immediately encounter a restaurant called Flapjacks that serves giant breakfast platters with all our favorites, so that made for a very happy birthday boy! After that incredible meal we found the movie theaters and bought tickets for a movie i have really been looking forward to called Gamer- i knew it;d be something Scott would really enjoy since it was about video games and reality combined and so i was beyond excited to be able to see it on his birthday- especially since i didn't think it was coming out for a while yet. we went into the theater and immediately sensed something was wrong. the movie seemed to have started already. hmmm... after a few minutes we realized we were an hour early and the previous showing hadn't ended yet. OOPS! We spent the next hour exploring the shopping center a bit, and discovered that large chunks of it were a lot like D*Talipapa in the sense of there being tons of booths with similar products and people yelling for you to come buy from them. it was cool but kinda overwhelming! i did, however get a really cool Cell Phone case for P200 (about $4) before we headed back to the theater. The movie was awesome and these theater seats were the best we have had here, comfort wise! Afterwards, we explored the mall some more, shopped for souvenirs, Scott got to bargain some :-) and then, exhausted, we decided to head back to the hotel and rest up for the evening ahead. We got all dolled up and left the hotel at about 8:30 PM. it was raining pretty heavily, and there was traffic, but we had a really good and knowledgeable cab driver, and so our trip was about 20 minutes down to Seaside- the area home to a huge fresh seafood market and tons of restaurants where you take your freshly caught freshly purchased seafood and they cook it for you. immediately upon exiting the cab we were mobbed by people trying to get us to come to their restaurants- it was insane and overwhelming for me, but as usual, Scott was a cool customer. since it was raining, and we'd heard that the rest of our group was running late, we decided to duck in to one of the restaurants and grab a beer. i was feeling a little weak, so i ordered a couple crabs to hold me over till the group arrived- lunch had been 9 hours ago, after all! our group arrived at 10- it had taken them over an hour to get there, not having had a taxi as good as ours, i guess. They came bearing a cake! we had a cool experience watching them order all the fish for our meal at the market, and then it was taken to the restaurant/karaoke bar where we all filled a booth and the party really began! everyone was hemming and hawing about who was gonna sing first, so i did it. :-) i sang a lot actually... almost everyone sang, and the food was great, and we stayed till 3:30 AM, shutting the place down! We got home at 4:30 or so- after having to wait a bit to find a cab, and got into bed around 5:30. WHEW! what a day! Pictures in the next post.
Thursday, 9/10
today i rested a good part of the day, so that i could hopefully be well in time for Scott's awesome birthday weekend. by the time he got home around 7, i was feeling perked up and had showered and put on a dress so we could go out to the tapas restaurant. it was incredible again. i think Scott took some pics of our food but they are on his phone. i'm going to have to get him to copy all the pics from his phone onto the computer... we were totally stufed when we got back and just vegged out the rest of the evening.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wed 9/9
Today was a sick day. in bed. all day. we got McD's Delivered for lunch, and then later, when Scott was feeling better he went and go roast chicken for dinner and we watched Blues Brothers. he is ready to get back to work tomorrow, and i am gonna rest up, because i don;t want to slow down his birthday weekend with being sick. We are doing Karaoke with his workmates to celebrate. not sure what else is up for this weekend.
Tuesday 9/8
Today Scott is still sick but went in to work around 11. Guess what. i am sick now too, with whatever he has. wheee! i made myself get up and do laundry though, and once that was done i went to sleep for the afternoon. ZZZZZZZZZ. Scott brought roast chicken home for dinner, and after some TV watching we read in bed till we both drifted off. ZZZZZZZZ
Monday, 9/7
Today Scott was still sick, and my throat was starting to hurt... so we slept in and he went into work around 1PM- i went with him! Today was Labor Day back home, and was declared a holiday here, but Scott's team was in the office working anyway- GO TEAM GO! Anyhoo, so i didn't wanna be away from Scott today, so i went with him to the office and took a book. about halfway through the afternoon we went out and bought everyone ice cream, cuz it;s an IBS tradition to do that from time to time, and that went over really well. We stayed late, because Scott and Darwin had many meetings :-) i spent probably the last hour or so talking to Donna- who i absolutely adore- while Scott and Darwin had meetings. then, around 9PM we headed back toward the hotel. Now, when it;s a holiday here, all the restaurants are either closed all day, or close really early, so our one and only option was McDonald's- no, not going into McDonalds- having it DELIVERED! So, that;s what we did- and it was still cheaper than McD's at home... even with the delivery charge.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sunday 9/6
Scott haz a sick, so we just hung out and rested most of today, but we did have some excitement this evening. the Jabbawockeez were at Glorietta, and i love them, so Scott took me to see them perform. i have never ever seen so many people!!! 4 of the guys are Filipino, so that may be part of why there was such a huge crowd, but i'd be confident chalking it up to how awesome they are. i have bee na fan of these guys since they were first on ABDC!
There were people a-pushin and a-shovin and just insanity... but we still managed to have a great time!
oh, and i LOVE this pic! Scott is very happy to have Brunette Mae back too!
DJ Rashida (from America's Best Dance Crew- the competition the Jabbawockeez won) took the stage first, and then introduced Pop Sensation Billy Crawford- whose performance i enjoyed, but i was hot, cranky, and wanted to see the Wockeez!!!!
Then, after Billy did a few songs, FINALLY the Jabbawockeez came out!! no, you can;t see them in this vid. but they are there. we tried to get a good spot, but there were like 15,000 people there- no exaggeration. my favorite moments were the Michale Jackson Tribute and when the Wockeez did their version of Beyonce's "Single Ladies" (which you can see them doing at another show here
And, finally, here is a pic where you can actually see the Wockeez- well half of them!
it was a super fun show, and i managed to see most of it by watching the screens on the video cameras of people in front of me. ;-) After being outside in the heat and sweat and people for 2 hours, we found a nice quiet table at TGIFridays and had dinner. MMMMMM Fajitas! then it was back to the hotel and relaxing till bedtime.
There were people a-pushin and a-shovin and just insanity... but we still managed to have a great time!
DJ Rashida (from America's Best Dance Crew- the competition the Jabbawockeez won) took the stage first, and then introduced Pop Sensation Billy Crawford- whose performance i enjoyed, but i was hot, cranky, and wanted to see the Wockeez!!!!
Then, after Billy did a few songs, FINALLY the Jabbawockeez came out!! no, you can;t see them in this vid. but they are there. we tried to get a good spot, but there were like 15,000 people there- no exaggeration. my favorite moments were the Michale Jackson Tribute and when the Wockeez did their version of Beyonce's "Single Ladies" (which you can see them doing at another show here
And, finally, here is a pic where you can actually see the Wockeez- well half of them!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Saturday, 9/5
today we wanted a low key day, and Scott felt like he might be coming down with something, so we slept in late- like noon, and left the hotel around 1:00PM to go to Glorietta and see some movies and just kinda wander around. we started with lunch at Shakey's pizza, which was yummy and fun. we got the manager's special pizza and a combo platter of fries, wings, and calimari. Then, we wandered over to the movie theater and got tickets for a movie at 3, and another at 5:50. After the fisrt movie, we hada little time, so we went and got Caramel Frappucinos and then found this little boutique that sells clothes that celebrate the Philippines in a unique way. imagine high quality polo shirts, but with a map of the Philippines embroidered on them. or... here! see pictures!
After that purchase, we went to see the 5:50 movie, and then made a pit stop at the grocery store for fruit and hair color before heading home to chill out for the evening...
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday, 9/4
Today i blogged a good part of the day. the internet here is rather slow, so it took a long time to get all those pictures uploaded! After that, i started watching a movie, but it made me miss Scott, since it was a movie i really liked during the early days of our relationship, so i turned it off and returned to reading Breaking Dawn. i took a nap, and then waited for Scott to come home from work. He brought some roast chicken for supper, and it was really yummy! i kept him company while he worked late into the night, and then we went to bed. not the most exciting day, but, hey- we have the whole weekend ahead to do exciting stuff! :-D
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tuesday, 9/1-Thursday, 9/3
I have been sick. Feverish. Delirious. all i've done the past 3 days is eat the food Scott brings me and sleep basically. it;s probably the result of all the activity and excitement of last weekend wearing on my body and me not staying hydrated, and all the unusual takeout we got wednesday...
Monday 8/31
First, let me say HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLY!!! Today my awesome and sweet sister in law Kelly turns 13!
we slept in a little this morning, by which i mean, like 8:30. We got up, had breakfast, and did a little last minute style photography, since we were leaving the Island at 2 PM.
here are some of the shots Scott took:
The walkway toward the pool that our room faced:

A shot of said pool from the Ground:

Walking past Christina's Restaurant out to the beach path, and entry to the beach itself:

The beach Path near our hotel:

The Sea Breeze Cafe

The path heading south:

The exit from the beach path to d*talipapa

We made another short trip to d*talipapa to finish some souvenier shopping (more bargaining!) and then took a couple pictures on the beach before heading back to the room to finish packing.

Here I am at the steps to the Kai Regency Spa:

We finished packing and vacated our room right on time at noon, then had a margarita in the hotel lobby bar before heading to the Sea Breeze Cafe for one last meal. We walked on the beach a little one last time, then headed to the lobby to meet our transport and do the whole travel process in reverse. it was uneventful, in a very good way, up until 6:30 when it was time to board our flight in Kalibo and it wasn't there. seemed like many other flights were boarding, some from the same airline going to the same destination, but not ours. eventually though (i guess it was really only about a half hour late, but i was already cranky about having to leave the island at 2 PM for a 7PM flight. We got back to Manila Safe and sound, as did our luggage, and after a quick shower upon arrival back at the hotel, i was out like a light!
we slept in a little this morning, by which i mean, like 8:30. We got up, had breakfast, and did a little last minute style photography, since we were leaving the Island at 2 PM.
here are some of the shots Scott took:
The walkway toward the pool that our room faced:
A shot of said pool from the Ground:
Walking past Christina's Restaurant out to the beach path, and entry to the beach itself:
The beach Path near our hotel:
The Sea Breeze Cafe
The path heading south:
The exit from the beach path to d*talipapa
We made another short trip to d*talipapa to finish some souvenier shopping (more bargaining!) and then took a couple pictures on the beach before heading back to the room to finish packing.
Here I am at the steps to the Kai Regency Spa:
We finished packing and vacated our room right on time at noon, then had a margarita in the hotel lobby bar before heading to the Sea Breeze Cafe for one last meal. We walked on the beach a little one last time, then headed to the lobby to meet our transport and do the whole travel process in reverse. it was uneventful, in a very good way, up until 6:30 when it was time to board our flight in Kalibo and it wasn't there. seemed like many other flights were boarding, some from the same airline going to the same destination, but not ours. eventually though (i guess it was really only about a half hour late, but i was already cranky about having to leave the island at 2 PM for a 7PM flight. We got back to Manila Safe and sound, as did our luggage, and after a quick shower upon arrival back at the hotel, i was out like a light!
Sunday, 8/30
Despite being up late, we woke bright and early today and went for a walk on the beach. It was even more beautiful in the bright sunlight.

I mean, Seriously. These pictures don't begin to do it all justice.
After our walk, we went and had a lovely breakfast, and followed it with some time on the beach and in the water before the sun started to get too hot. notice that may of these pics were taken in the shade? the sun was so intense that i was wearing SPF 45 and tanned right through it even wilt multiple applications. After playing on the beach awhile, we decided to do some shopping and exploring at d*Talipapa, an open air market. Here is a terribly unflattering shot of me on the way up to d*talipapa- you can see the sign in the distance.
Here's a shot of a little corner of the market:
Here i am trying to not google too much over all the beautiful seashell jewelry. There was so much of it! The shopping in d*talipapa relied heavily on bargaining and negotiation, and Scott had a really good time with that! BTW- i am not super sweaty, i just thought putting my top on over a wet swimsuit would help me stay cool longer. :-)
After we shopped awhile, we headed back to the hotel for lunch, a short nap, and then more time in the water and on the beach. the sun was really intense, and so we didnt stay out on the beach for long at this point. we headed back to the pool where we could set Scott up safely under an umbrella and ordered a couple drinks while we lounged- this hotel has awesome Mango Shakes!
Here's a view of the pool from our balcony:
After pool time, we went down to the beach to enjoy the sunset, which was a really quiet and peaceful time. Then, we headed up to the room and showered and got prettied up for dinner. i don't have pictures, sadly, but i wore my new white halter maxidress with coral colored flowers, and scott wore a teal cabana shirt with tan linen pants. we looked awesome. Dinner was super yummy. :-) Later, we returned to MO2 and enjoyed the live music and fire dancers again. We went up to bed around 11:30 since it'd been a long day, but the party seemed to go on and on down at the beach! we could hear the music till 2AM!

Here's a view of the pool from our balcony:
Saturday 8/29
Today we travelled to PARADISE! No. Seriously. But i should start at the beginning. i didn't fall asleep till about 2:30 AM, but i woke up around 8. so, i got up and started packing. i was about done packing by the time Scott got up, and then we went to breakfast before it was time to leave for the airport. We got to the airport smoothly, and checked in, went through security, and everything was great. We boarded the plane only a few minutes late, and took off about a half hour behind schedule, which i tried not to be cranky about. The flight was gorgeous, with amazing views, which Scott got video of. (all these vids i mention will be on youtube at some point, it's just that the internet here is super slow for uploading video so it might be when we get home.) Then, we landed in Kalibo, which was a nice intro to the tropical paradise we were headed for. After claiming our baggage, a nice porter helped us get to our bus to go to Cataclan, where we would catch our boat to Boracay. The bus wasa air conditioned, cushy, and a nice ride. there was a movie playing too. it was about a 2 hour bus ride to Caticlan, where we then were filtered out by hotel to vans to ride to the dock to get on a boat. The boat ride was beautiful and short, and i really couldn't believe we were somewhere so ideal. Getting on and off of the boat was a little scary, however. there was a ramp about 10 inches wide that was balanced at the ends on the dock and on the boat and it had a rail on one side and on the other, the boat crew helped you on and off. it wasnt so bad getting on in Caticlan, but when we got to boracay it was at this crazy steep angle and was kinda moving. Scary. I made it though, and Scott of course made it with no trouble at all. Then, with another porter carrying our baggage, we walked down a dirt road a little ways to meet more vans from the hotel. These vans took us to the hotel where we checked in quickly and smoothly and were taken to our very elegant Premier room that overlooked one of the resort's three swimming pools. i wish i had taken pictures of the room. it was perfect. After settling in for a few minutes, we put on swimsuits and headed down to the beach. this was the first time we met Mario, who is basically the evening entertainment Director for the resort, and became our Buddy. more about that later. We were also introduced to the slew of men selling pearls, sunglasses, and activities: parasailing, ATV, Snorkeling, Island hopping... a few of which we would have done if we were going to be on island more than 48 hours. there is sort of a boardwalk area/path along the beachfront of little shops. it is sooo cool. we didnt really venture into that right now, beyond walking past all the restaurants (seven, i believe) in our resort complex. We went down to the beach itself, and were blown away by the beauty. it was like being in a travel commercial. i sit here struggling to find words. it was breathtaking- quite literally. Scott looked over at me, i looked up at him, jaw about to hit the sand, and he said "Seriously?" neither of us could believe this place. we set our stuff down and got in the water, which was exactly the perfect temperature. we swam out into the waves awhile and then, when we were starting to get worn out, headed back up to play in the pool. After showering off, we got in the pool- heatred to exactly the right temp- and swam around will we were about ready to eat dinner. We dressed and headed down for our first meal at the Sea Breeze Cafe, where our weekend package included all of our meals. It was an amazing and huge buffet with mostly Asian foods, and lots of variety. it was a very good meal. there was much Nom. Then, we went back to the room to let the giant and awesome meal settle, and then around 9, we went back down to MO2, the beachfront hotel bar, where the entertainment for the evening was getting into full swing. this was Mario's domain, and he found us seats at the bar to have a few drinks and enjoy the show. There was a local band playing that was jsut great- almost every song they played was one we liked ,and a great many were Black Eyed Peas! W00t! The band took a break after a bit and the fire dancers came out! there were about 4-5 of them and they were all amazing. a couple of them came into the bar area at different times and did tricks among the patrons. one cam and stood between us, banding over backwards into scott;s lap while twirling his fireballs. it was crazy awesome. after the fire dancers finished, the band played some more, until about 11PM. When they were finished, Scott and i started walking north on the beach path to see what other entertainment was going on, as Boracay is known for its nightlife. There were many clubs with Dj's and live music, and cafes with live music, and it was just incredible. at one point, we saw a break in the palm trees that separate the beachfront path from the beach itself and saw the moon. it was bright and perfect, and wouldn't you know, right there was a driftwood log to sit on, so we did just that. Scott and i sat and looked up at the moon and the ocean and just enjoyed being together for awhile. it was a really special moment. *swooon* We walked the path some more before turning back and walking back to our hotel. We went back to the room and finally went to sleep around 1:30 AM.
Friday, 8/28
Most of today i just hung out and read Twilight books. Yeah, i know, they are "not well written." Whatever. i love them.
When Scott got home, though, we headed out to Glorietta for dinner and a little light shopping. We ate at this little buffet with all sorts of hard to distinguish foods, that mostly tasted pretty good. i ate deep fried leaf of some sort, and i really liked it. so much of the food is fried or super salty here, which does nothing for my girlish figure, let me tell you. if we lived here i'd have to make the gym a full time job. After we ate, we walked around the mall a little, got exta links taken out of our watch bands- now they fit perfectly!- and did our little shopping. THEN we needed to get a cab back to the hotel, and boy was it an adventure! we initially thought we were in line for a cab and got in when a driver signaled us, but then discovered he was part of some high cost outfit and we weren't gonna pay that, so we got out and moved to the back of the line at the actual taxi stand. we got in line at 9:45 PM and got in our Taxi at 11:15. it was insane, and soooo hot. we were really glad to be back in the AC when we got to the hotel! Tomorrow, Boracay!
When Scott got home, though, we headed out to Glorietta for dinner and a little light shopping. We ate at this little buffet with all sorts of hard to distinguish foods, that mostly tasted pretty good. i ate deep fried leaf of some sort, and i really liked it. so much of the food is fried or super salty here, which does nothing for my girlish figure, let me tell you. if we lived here i'd have to make the gym a full time job. After we ate, we walked around the mall a little, got exta links taken out of our watch bands- now they fit perfectly!- and did our little shopping. THEN we needed to get a cab back to the hotel, and boy was it an adventure! we initially thought we were in line for a cab and got in when a driver signaled us, but then discovered he was part of some high cost outfit and we weren't gonna pay that, so we got out and moved to the back of the line at the actual taxi stand. we got in line at 9:45 PM and got in our Taxi at 11:15. it was insane, and soooo hot. we were really glad to be back in the AC when we got to the hotel! Tomorrow, Boracay!
Wed 8/26 and Thurs, 8/27
so, i've waited too long to get caught up on my blog,and i don't remember anything about these two days to write about. i'm fairly certain i didn't do or eat anything exciting though. i think iwas just reading Twilight books most of the time. :-)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, 8/25
Today, i had a migraine. not much happened, cuz i was mostly resting. i also did some research on the computer for something i am doing this weekend and talked to a few friends online (hi Shua, Jen, and Christina!) Scott and i watched The Soup when he got home and then went to Coquina for dinner. He got Pasta Alfredo, which looked so good, and i got the Coquina Club Special, which was like no club sandwich i've ever had. it had the customary 3 pieces of toasted bread, but the bottom layer was tomato, cucumber and sTEAK and the top layer was EGG and cheese. it was nommy. then we came bach up here and watched TV till 10:30 when it was time to conk out. :-)
Monday, 8/24
Well, if you've been reading this blog, you know what i did all day monday.... i worked on this lovely blog! When i'd finished, i was exhausted from all the thinking and writing, so i just vegged out in front of the tv till Scott got home. When he did arrive he was bearing our first try at Filipino Chinese takeout. He brought dumplings, lemon chicken, and sweet and sour pork- all things we were very familiar with at home. these were very different- overall just much sweeter. Still very edible, but very different. we made short work of the food and settled in to watch tV and unplug for the evening. we watched Wipeout, some reality stuff, and then National Treasure:Book of Secrets, which we had seen before but is always worth watching! then, arounf 11, we went to bed.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday 8/23
Today we went to Intramuros- the oldest part of Manila, encased in walls, and containing ruins from before WWII, and some stuff from the 16th century even!
We Started the afternoon at Malcolm's Place, where we went before when it was raining. We will probably be eating there a lot this week- it;s close by and inexpensive!
This is the Manila Cathedral. There was a wedding about to happen, so we didn;t take pictures inside.
This is the old Governor's Palace. Apparently you can get tours, but by the time we knew this we were on our horse and Buggy tour
This is the memorial to all the innocent lives lost in WWII. i found it very moving.
This is the garden area in the center of Fort Santiago. By this time we were on our Horse and Buggy Ride with Jerry, a very nice and friendly man, who gave us a very unique and exciting tour.
This is us in the buggy. Jerry got a very nice shot there, with this old building behind us.
Here is where the tour started to get insane. Jerry took us across the river and into Manila's Chinatown! it was so crowded and full of stalls and food and animals. wow. we got some video, and it should be forthcoming soon. :-)
we even went through some heavy auto traffic in this buggy on our way back to Intramuros! i think Scott got video of that as well.
After Jerry dropped us off, we walked back over to the Manila Ocean Park to have our sunset date in the White Moon Bar. possibly the coolest place we have ever been. it overlooks the bay, and the DJ was great, the drinks were good... perfect. Here is a shot of the sunset.
GORGEOUS! Oh, and i finally tried the San Mig. I concieved this shot, but scott made it work. Teamwork!
And, here we are with a lovely backdrop!
It was a perfect night, but the best part was the company. I LOVE YOU SCOTT!
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