Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thursday 9/17
Today was blog catch up and sleep catch up day. i spent the late morning through early afternoon working on uploading pictures and writing posts, then had lunch with Scott and watched Mythbusters together. After he left to go back to work i took a looooong rest. When i woke up, it was about time for scott to come home. We had roast chicken for supper and shortly thereafter he went to the Comtech Staff house to spend some quality one on one time with Darwin before we have to go home. i had a nice quiet evening, and stayed up till Scott got in. another night up late means tomorrow will be a sleepy day as well! have to be rested for the volcano excursion on saturday!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wednesday 9/16
Today i did something cool and (for me at least) brave! i went out on my own- further than ministop or even the drugstore. Well, let me back up. i woke up just in time to have my bible study discussion with Cindy, then made some plans with Scott for our trip to a volcano this weekend. Then, i started thinking that if i didn't get out on my own and do something while we were here i would probably feel pretty silly. i am nervous in unfamiliar situations and have a lot of fears- some rational, others not so much, but it is time to not be controlled by them. So. i got dressed, put on my new hat which is awesome, and walked up to Scott's office to surprise him. that was fun, and the furthest i have walked on my own (about 6-8 blocks), so it was an accomplishment. After i said hi to some ofthe guys in the office and talked with Scott a bit, it was time to start my real adventure for the day. Scott rode the elevator down with me and helped me get a cab. I got in and told the driver i wanted to go to Glorietta 3. It was my first ever taxi ride by myself (taxis alone are one of thsoe irrational fears...) and i did jsut fine, paid my fare and headed into the mall. i got money at an ATM, wandered up to the movie theater, bought tickets, and then had a Frosty at Wendy's as i decided what to do with the 2 hours till my movie started. i had a little bit of shopping to do, so i headed over to the Landmark- our favorite department store here- and got the few things i needed. one of these is a Barong- traditional men's shirt- for Scott. i founda really nice one for him. it's so nice. the Barong buttons about 2/3 of the way down instead of all the way, and the one i got for Scott is a light seafoam green with inlaid mother of pearl buttons. many Barongs have embroidery around the button placket, and Scott's does too. after my shopping i headed bakc up t othe theater and got seated for my movie- Sorority Row (it;s a dumb horror movie, but it was entertaining). this wasa different experience than i have ever had at home. at home, i am used to people gasping or cryhing out a little at a jump scene in a horror movie, but here- people openly SCREAMED at these- and sometimes preemptively- it was hilarious. so, the movie was fun, if nothing else, because of the screaming. after a little more shopping, i got in a cab to head back to the hotel. Just my luck, for the first time ever in our time here, the taxi driver knows nothing about hte area, and i had togive him turn by turn directions out of the mall complex and back to my hotel. Good thing i knew the way! After a bit longer Scott came home with McDonald's for supper and we just hung out and watched The Jackal on tv and then went to bed. a good day. :-)
Tuesday 9/15
So, we slept in till noon or so and then Scott went in to work. he works so hard. i puttered around a bit, packed some stuff that we didn;t need access to, made some lists, just my normal planning type stuff. Scott came home with Pizza around 8 and we had dinner and relaxed, and were in bed around 10 or so. Long Tiring day for my hubby.
Monday 9/14
Today i mostly finished recovering, and felt a good bit better. Scott brought home roast chicken for supper and it was soooo good! we relaxed together for a little bit but then Scott had to go back to the office and help sort out a problem of some sort. he went back in at 11 and came home shortly before 6 AM!! Just a little bit before he came back, i was awakened by gunshots. there were seven. i didn't see what happened but the street below our hotel got kinda suddenly crowded. i imagine it wasn't anything too big a deal. When Scott got back, we went back to sleep.
Sunday 9/13
Last night i had what may have been the worst fever of my life. i was so cold but yet was burning up. scott couldn't even come near my side of the bed. i wondered briefly if iwas actually dying. i am not being melodramatic. really. my fever broke around 6 AM with some sort of insane vengeance and my side of the bed became soaked with sweat. i slept till about 2PM and then got up and started moving slowly. Around 4 i was ready to get out of the partment as long as we moved sloooowly. Scott got us a cab to Glorietta and we had dinner at TGIFridays and then we shopped a little- didn;t buy anything, but i think the getting out was good for me. When we got back, i took some of our newly acquired tylenol like substance and got in bed pretty soon therafter.
Saturday, 9/12
As you can imagine, we slept in VERY late today. i think we left the hotel at about 2 PM to head to SM Mall of Asia, the 3rd largest mall in the WORLD! it was pretty cool to see as we drove up, though the rain was pretty heavy so we couldn't get a picture. Scott and i agreed that this was the most impressive of the 5 malls we have visited (that sounds insanely like a lot but really, that's not many of the malls they have here- i can think of probably 10 we didn't visit and i'm sure there are many more!) and they had lots of stuff going on as far as performances and entertainment for hte kids and this:
An Olympic Sized Ice Rink!
We were So Hungry since we hadn't eaten since the party, so we got food in the food court- 2 orders of super nommy Pancit, 2 Lumpia for me, and an order of Sissig for Scott.
As we were eating lunch overlooking the ice rink, we noticed it had started snowing!
And the kids were crowding in the middle of the ice to be snowed on!
After lunch, we was a movie and wandered around a bit and shopped a little. we were still pretty wiped out from the night before though, so we headed back to the hotel and ordered McDonald's. shortly after dinner i realized i had a fever and got into bed. that;s right, i'm sick AGAIN! i guess when your immune system is weakened, it can get hit over and over!
An Olympic Sized Ice Rink!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Pictures from 9/11
Ok, So here are pictures from Scott's Birthday!
Here are a couple Shots outside at Greenhills Shopping Center:

Here is part of that crazy market like area:
When we got home from shopping and had rested a bit, we were surprised by a visit from the hotel staff bringing this!
A Birthday cake! Awwwww!
Here we are all dressed up to go out!
And... Videoke time! Darwin has a beautiful voice!!!
Here are the guys!

And, The girls!
The Food!
Here Begins Scott's adventure with- THE PRAWN!

Smiling before the first bite!
Staring it down...

About to take off its head...
WOW! Chrunchy!
YAY! you ate its head! the rest will be easy!
David and Marco (the quietest guys in the group!) Sang Endless Love in a duet! was awesome!

We could tell the night was winding down when sleepy cuddling started...
A great night! Thanks Y'all!
Here are a couple Shots outside at Greenhills Shopping Center:
And, The girls!
The Food!
Smiling before the first bite!
About to take off its head...
WOW! Chrunchy!
We could tell the night was winding down when sleepy cuddling started...
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